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  • 1.13.19 4 year-old Birthday Party, San Francisco, CA


  • 9.23.18 Oshman Family JCC, Palo Alto, CA


  • 3.27.18 Brandeis School SF, San Francisco, CA


  • 6.29.17 Tracy Library, Tracy, CA


  • 6.8.17 Menlo Park Library, Menlo Park, CA


Some Past Performances
More Photos!


"My library loved Diana's program!  They danced, shrieked with laughter & giggles, and enthusiastically jumped at the chance to help Diana entertain and delight with stories, songs, puppets, and just the right amount of glitter." - Julia Reynolds, Children's Librarian, Sacramento Public Library - Franklin, Sacramento, CA


"The show was wonderful and our youngsters had so much fun" - Rabbi Stephanie Kramer, Associate Rabbi & Education Director, Congregation Shomrei Torah, Santa Rosa, CA


“The kids were buzzing with excitement through the entire show. A very engaging, high-quality performance...the kids really love her” – Tracey Joe, Youth Services Librarian, Sacramento Public Library


"YOU ARE AMAZING!!!  I watched our 30 little ones watching you and they were GLUED.  Their laughter and active  participation were your testimonials.  My granddaughter was AWED throughout.  THANK YOU!!! - Helene, Grandmother, Atherton, CA

Performing Book of Wonders

Performing Book of Wonders

With fans!

With fans!

Silly Sarah

Silly Sarah

At a Jewish library

At a Jewish library

With guitar

With guitar

Puppet play

Puppet play

Singing with guitar

Singing with guitar

With volunteer!

With volunteer!



With puppets!

With puppets!

In Israel

In Israel

Felafelina Fairy

Felafelina Fairy

With Bongo Benny

With Bongo Benny

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