innovative entertainment
for kids

From the moment she enters the room ...
jester hat a-bouncin', shoes a-sparklin',
kids know they're in for a treat!
She does it ALL!
A trained storyteller, clown, and singer, Diana Shmiana also happens to connect easily with her audiences because she loves kids.
Diana Shmiana is a versatile performer. Each of her shows is a delightful concoction of songs, clowning, storytelling, puppetry, magic, and lots of hilarious shtick.
Zany costumed characters and eye-catching props make frequent guest appearances. In any given show, you may meet singin' superstar Rockin' Ruby, puppet Izzy the Ishkabibble, and a host of others. And of course, there's tons of audience participation.
One of the few trilingual entertainers on the children's circuit, Diana Shmiana performs in English, Spanish, & Hebrew. Diana Shmiana has been entertaining children since 1997, tailoring her shows with sensitivity and respect for the cultural backgrounds of her clients' families.
Since 1997, Diana Shmiana is one of the few trilingual entertainers on the children's circuit, performing in English, Spanish, & Hebrew.
Here's the math:
hundreds of performances
5 languages
3 continents
over 60 U.S. cities
1000's of devoted fans (from children to educators)
Here's the non-math:
Little ones love to hug Diana Shmiana after her shows.
Big kids think she's cool.
Grown-ups love to laugh AT — oops, I mean WITH Diana Shmiana.
Some of Diana Shmiana's shows are edu-taining,
and some are Just Plain Fun.
Either way ...
Diana Shmiana rocks the house every time!
You're so funny!!
- 5 year-old boy
You're a one-woman
- mother, Marsh Theatre
San Francisco

Diana Shmiana grew up in a very funny family in Berkeley, California.
From a young age, she loved to sing, dance, dress up in costumes, and act very, very silly.
Some Fun Facts about Diana ...
plays several musical instruments
has danced Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Flamenco, Folkdance
studied Clowning and Theatre at Dell'Arte International, Clown School of San Francisco, the San Francisco Circus Center, & the Phil Bennett Theatre Lab
studied Storytelling at San Francisco State University and the Traveling Jewish Theatre
mastered Improvisation with Bay Area TheatreSports
studied Voice with several master teachers
is mom to a school-age daughter, and
is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in healthcare.
Oh, and by the way ...
Diana still loves to sing, dance, dress up in costumes,
and act very, very silly.
Based in San Francisco, Diana Shmiana can perform
anywere in the greater Bay Area.
Questions? Ready to book an amazing experience?
Fill out the contact form,
and we’ll get you rolling!
"You Gotta Sing!" (English)
"Vamos a Cantar" (Spanish)
"Zol Zein Shabbes (Yiddish)
"You're sooo cool. Your show
was sooo cool!!"
- 10 year-old girl
Fremont, CA